How To Make 2025 The Best Year of your Life

How To Make 2025 The Best Year of your Life


In today's blog, I will tell you how you can make 2025 the best year of your life. So, without wasting time, I will give you five actionable steps and by the end of the blog post, you will get clarity on how to make 2025 your best year.

1. Time Management

So, the first tip I want to give you is Time Management.
We make the biggest mistake in our lives regarding time management. If you want to be successful in 2025, then my first recommendation to you will be to take a piece of paper and write on it what all you achieved in 2024, what you could not achieve in 2024 and what you want to achieve in 2025.

Keep this paper in your room because it will keep reminding you of your goals and at the same time, it will also tell you that you are no less than anyone because in this, you have written your achievements of 2024 in one year. There are 12 months but I would tell you guys that there are only 10 months in a year because there is no assurance of two months. You never know when you will fall ill, when you will get an invitation for someone's wedding, when you will get a family function, when you will get a family emergency.

And to do this, you guys who are making a 10-month plan, ask yourself what will I have to do in a month to execute this 10-month plan. From what will I have to do in a month, you can directly come to what will I have to do in a week, from what will I have to do in a week, you can come to what will you have to do in a day, then come to what will you have to do in an hour, and from an hour come to what you have to do in the next 15 minutes and get to work.

If you want to achieve something big in life, it's not about massive change. It's about getting 1 per better every day. After this, you guys make a timesheet in which you guys will write what you do every hour. We feel that we are very busy and work daily but in reality we work very little. Your timesheet will remind you how much time you have wasted and which distractions you need to remove from your life. You will also get a clear idea of this. You will actually know where you guys are wasting your time.

2. Enjoy Your Time

And with this, I want to come to point number two and that is Enjoy Your Time.
Now you will say, where were we talking about consistency in working and you are saying enjoy your time? Yes, go watch that movie, go take that trip, go spend time with friends, spend time with family and you guys should also enjoy your life because what happens is that you know that we do a lot of work daily but we live in the illusion of working daily and because of this illusion, we do not waste our time.

We don't enjoy and we feel that we are doing a lot of work but in reality we are not getting any result. Now if you sit with a book the whole day and study for only half an hour and you have an illusion inside you that I sat with a book the whole day but still I did not get good marks. It would be better if you finish your 8 hours work in 5 hours by being consistent and productive and enjoy the remaining time.

In between, ask yourself if you can complete your 8 hours work in the next 5 hours and enjoy for 3 hours. Chase consistency guys, chase that consistency and chase efficiency.

3. Invest In Yourself

And with this I want to come to point number three which is Invest in Yourself.
We invest in all things. We will buy stocks. Whoever has money will also buy land. He will invest money in mutual funds, get FDs done, do everything but will not invest in himself, which is a big mistake. If you think that in your field, in your specific niche, someone has made a good course which will actually help you, go and buy that course, there is nothing in buying that course, go and buy it and utilize your invested money, give your time to it, definitely your investment will give you the highest return.

10-15 years from today, upskilling used to be a choice but now it is a necessity, now you will have to upskill. AI has come, I don't know what things are being planned in future by big people, who knows that the job you do today, its scope will increase tomorrow, so now skilling is very important, you will have to keep learning new things, whether you are 50 years old or 60 years old, dozens matter, you need to upskill.

You are seeing so many layoffs in tech recently, even in the US and UK layoffs are happening a lot and many software developers are getting caught in its clutches but the reality is that if you guys utilize your time as much as possible in learning new skills then the chances of this happening to you will become negligible. So invest in self learning because self learning can change your life forever.

4. Consistency Over Intensity

I would like to come to the fourth point which is Consistency over Intensity.
We always see that whenever someone talks about the new year, at the start of the year, people talk a lot about how to upskill, how to improve yourself, but over the period of time people forget it and then as the end of the year comes, people say that you will do it in 2025, but if you guys are smart, you will start now. You guys should not wait for 2025, start now. People say that we will go to the gym from 1st January and from 1st January to 6th January, you guys find the gyms very full, but after that people's enthusiasm ends, but the fact is that if you actually want to bring a change in yourself, then you have to do it consistently.

You will have to do it and the same applies for coding and any other skill as well. So you always have to chase consistency, not intensity. You should not think how can I do this work in a day. You should think what can I do that I will keep doing for the next three months or nine years, I will also enjoy my life, I will make it a part of my routine and now I will also develop a skill. As a result of that, it will be a change in your lifestyle.

5. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Now you guys should surround yourself with positive people. Now you will say that there is no coding person around me. I am from a small village. I am from a place where people are not coding people. The thing is that today you can surround yourself with good people online by joining disc communities by attending some good conferences there are a lot of free events there you will not waste your time at all you will meet like minded people who will probably introduce you to more like minded people maybe a networking opportunity will open up for you go out there attend events even if you have to spend money on it you should attend it you are the average of the top five people you spend most of your time with so if you want to improve yourself, then you will have to spend time with good people whether it is through courses or through communities you can read articles online you can read books or you can find mentors online if good mentors are available in your field.

If you are in 2025, Are you reading this blog in the mid of 2025 or even you reading this at the end of 2025 also, start now this is just a psychology, it is just a psychological barrier in our mind that we will do it from 1st January, if you think a little intelligently then what will happen on 1st January that is not there today or tomorrow. Guys, time is passing, your age is increasing, time is passing, you have limited time on this planet, start today, not even tomorrow, start today if you can do it, this mindset will take you people forward.

I hope this blog was helpful. Thank you so much guys, for reading this blog, and I will see you next time.

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